About Us
The Evidence Synthesis Methods team is an academic research group focusing on methods for synthesizing evidence of individual studies to infer about the efficacy and safety of any type of interventions (e.g. educational, medical, psychological etc.). We are located within the University of Ioannina, which is one of the largest universities in Greece
Our team has significant expertise in knowledge synthesis and network meta-analysis. We have developed and published statistical methodology for network meta-analysis including models to account for missing outcome data, publication bias, outlier detection methods, exploring heterogeneity etc. We have participated, designed and conducted the analysis in many large network meta-analysis in the field on mental health, nephrology, diabetes, geriatrics etc.

Dimitris Mavridis
PI / Associate Professor at University of Ioannina
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV
+30 26510 05694 – dmavridi@uoi.gr

Stavros Nikolakopoulos
Senior research fellow
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV

Sofia Tsokani
Research Associate
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV

Katerina Maria Kontouli
Research Associate
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV

Christos Christogiannis
Research Associate
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV

Ourania Koutsiouroumpa
Research Associate
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV

Alexandros-Georgios Asimakopoulos
Research Associate
LinkedIn – Google Scholar – CV

Once a member, always a member

Argie – Angeliki Veroniki
Senior research fellow
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV
Dr Veroniki has moved to Toronto, Canada. Her new affiliation is Scientist at the Knowledge Translation Program, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (https://knowledgetranslation.

Maria Petropoulou
Research Associate
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV
Dr Petropoulou has moved to the University of Freiburg in Germany

Thodoris Evrenoglou
Research Associate
Google Scholar – LinkedIn – CV
Dr Evrenoglou has moved to Paris Universite Cite in the methods for comparative effectiveness research group.