Stavros Nikolakopoulos
Senior Research Fellow
LinkedIn – ResearchGate – Google Scholar – CV
Dr Stavros Nikolakopoulos is a (bio)statistician. He completed his undergraduate studies in Greece (BSc, University of Piraeus) and postgraduate studies in the Netherlands (MSc & PhD, Utrecht University). He is a Research Associate at the University of Ioannina and guest Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. He also works as a statistical assessor for the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) and is a Collaborating Expert for the European Medicines Agency. His research interests include clinical trial design and analysis as well as evidence synthesis methods.
Stavros holds a BSc in Statistics from the University of Piraeus, Greece. He holds an MSc in Methodology and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (cum laude) from Utrecht University and a PhD in Biostatistics from the same university. His PhD thesis was conducted under supervision of Prof. Kit Roes and was entitled “Hybrid Bayesian -frequentist approaches for randomized trial design in small populations”. He has supervised two MSc and two PhD students in the field of clinical trial design. He has experience in drug regulation at a European level through his work as a statistical assessor in the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) and the collaboration with the European Medicines Agency.